guru arjan造句
- Sri Guru Granth Sahib M . 5 Guru Arjan Dev ANG 12
- Guru Arjan Dev was also born there on 15 April 1563.
- Guru Arjan was tortured and executed by Mughal emperor Jahangir.
- Guru Arjan led Sikhism for a quarter of a century.
- He then recited this Shabad of Guru Arjan Dev:
- The death of Guru Arjan was not due to religious differences but political reason.
- Hargobind was the only son of Guru Arjan.
- This raga was used primarily by Guru Arjan.
- Gond was used by Guru Ram Das and Guru Arjan ( 29 hymns ).
- Guru Arjan appointed masands, community leaders, to look after sangats in different regions.
- It's difficult to see guru arjan in a sentence. 用guru arjan造句挺难的
- The stories in the Sikh tradition about the succession dispute around Guru Arjan are inconsistent.
- It is an important center of Sikhism, as Guru Arjan Dev ji was born there.
- The Adi Granth only forms the portion of the Granth which Guru Arjan compiled in 1604.
- The Fifth Guru, Guru Arjan Dev, is generally regarded as the first Sikh martyr.
- This set of 192 hymns were compiled by the fifth Sikh Guru, Guru Arjan Dev Ji.
- The whole Var was compiled by the 5th Guru, Guru Arjan Dev ji in 1604 AD.
- The town expanded during the time of Guru Arjan financed by donations and constructed by voluntary work.
- Bhai Gurdas was a contemporary of Guru Arjan and is a noted 17th-century Sikh chronicler.
- After Guru Ram Das died, Gurdas formed a close relationship with the fifth Guru, Guru Arjan.
- Noting Jai Lal's altruistic contributions and his faith, Guru Arjan Dev Ji blessed Jai Lal.
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